Thursday, October 15, 2009

SideWiki has very poor eyesight.

I don't know if everyone is seeing the same thing but Googles SideWiki seems to have very poor EyeSight.

When you visit a forum page that has SideWiki comments in it directly you can see them just fine.
But when you visit a forum link via the main page the same SideWiki Comments are not displayed.
I tested this on the topic Edit, Delete, SideWiki Comments, Blogs, Twitter and had the same results.

From internal links to internal pages the comments do not always show.
Direct input to your address bar in your browser seems to always display correctly.
Links from blogs and twitter also seem to work first time.

Is it the Google API that isn't clearing?
Only Sir Google can answer that question.
For now just keep testing to find the limits and the features you can work with.

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

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